WALA zones of regulation.
For the next 2 weeks, we're going to be focusing on explanation writing. I've based this piece of writing on the zones of regulation. TZR is just four different sections of feelings and emotions that you feel every day. Keep reading and you'll find out what I'm talking about.
INTRODUCTION: Did you know that there is more than 4 zones of feelings that humans go through? There is several emotions that the human body has to let process every day but the four main zones I’m going to be telling you about today is The red zone, the blue zone, the green zone and also the yellow zone. Keep reading and you’ll soon find out what I’m talking about.
The first zone of regulation is the red zone. The red zone is based on all the high tempered, over-whelming , out of control emotions. Feelings such as anger, stressed, overwhelmed and many more. An example of times where these emotions are shown is when you’re stuck in a pickle with mates or an enemy and you start randomly taking your anger out on others. Or sometimes you could be angry because you didn’t get enough rest the night before so you start to throw things and act all stressed out in front of others. The effect on this is you might hurt someone around you and maybe even yourself. To prevent this from happening, you could simply take time off to clear your mind and to set your mind straight. If you do this then you’ll come back happy and ready to go again.
The second zone we’re going to get into is the yellow zone. This zone is all about the chirpy yet anxious feelings. Emotions such as Excited, Wriggly, Silly, Nervous, Anxious and many more. Examples of times where this zone of feelings may be shown is when you’re waiting on getting tested and you’re being all jumpy because you don’t know how it’s going to turn out. Ways you could avoid being nervous and anxious is by taking a seat and breathing in & out continuously until you feel whelmed once again. The effect of this is when you get called in you’ll be all set to sit the test.
The next zone is the blue zone. The blue zone is all around the down and depressed emotions. Feelings like sad, upset, bored, tired etc. There are many times in life where you may be feeling these types of emotions. Usually when you’re sad or depressed, your body starts to feel numb and you won’t want to get out of bed. You’ll not want to interact with anybody and you’ll push people away so they don’t notice how you’re feeling. The effect on this is that those who you love and care about might think you’re pushing them away because of dislike or something negative. To stop this from happening, talk to someone about how you’re feeling. Perhaps a counselor or trusted adult. If you do this, you’ll find your way getting back up to that happy green zone I’m about to tell you about and others will start to hang with you again.
This is the last zone and my personal favorite, THE GREEN ZONE! This zone is all about happiness and it’s full of joy and excitement. Examples of ways you can stay in this zone is surrounding yourself with people who make you happy while doing something you enjoy! You can also distract yourself by playing a favorite sport or just hanging with friends. The effect of this is that you’re keeping yourself happy which is good for your taha hinengaro (mental health) and also your taha tinana (physical health)! Not only will you be keeping yourself happy, you’ll be keeping those around you entertained and the positive energy will creative good vibes.
CONCLUSION: I have now explained and shared with you the four different zones of regulation. I really hope this helped you with understand your feelings & emotions more now. Thank you for reading and good luck with maintaining your red & blue zone.
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Many thanks, kia pai to ra!