
Thursday, 26 October 2017

Zones Of Regulation

WALA zones of regulation.
For the next 2 weeks, we're going to be focusing on explanation writing. I've based this piece of writing on the zones of regulation. TZR is just four different sections of feelings and emotions that you feel every day. Keep reading and you'll find out what I'm talking about.

INTRODUCTION: Did you know that there is more than 4 zones of feelings that humans go through? There is several emotions that the human body has to let process every day but the four main zones I’m going to be telling you about today is The red zone, the blue zone, the green zone and also the yellow zone. Keep reading and you’ll soon find out what I’m talking about.

The first zone of regulation is the red zone. The red zone is based on all the high tempered, over-whelming , out of control emotions. Feelings such as anger, stressed, overwhelmed and many more. An example of times where these emotions are shown is when you’re stuck in a pickle with mates or an enemy and you start randomly taking your anger out on others. Or sometimes you could be angry because you didn’t get enough rest the night before so you start to throw things and act all stressed out in front of others. The effect on this is you might hurt someone around you and maybe even yourself. To prevent this from happening, you could simply take time off to clear your mind and to set your mind straight. If you do this then you’ll come back happy and ready to go again.

The second zone we’re going to get into is the yellow zone. This zone is all about the chirpy yet anxious feelings. Emotions such as Excited, Wriggly, Silly, Nervous, Anxious and many more. Examples of times where this zone of feelings may be shown is when you’re waiting on getting tested and you’re being all jumpy because you don’t know how it’s going to turn out.  Ways you could avoid being nervous and anxious is by taking a seat and breathing in & out continuously until you feel whelmed once again. The effect of this is when you get called in you’ll be all set to sit the test.

The next zone is the blue zone. The blue zone is all around the down and depressed emotions. Feelings like sad, upset, bored, tired etc. There are many times in life where you may be feeling these types of emotions. Usually when you’re sad or depressed, your body starts to feel numb and you won’t want to get out of bed. You’ll not want to interact with anybody and you’ll push people away so they don’t notice how you’re feeling. The effect on this is that those who you love and care about might think you’re pushing them away because of dislike or something negative. To stop this from happening, talk to someone about how you’re feeling. Perhaps a counselor or trusted adult. If you do this, you’ll find your way getting back up to that happy green zone I’m about to tell you about and others will start to hang with you again.

This is the last zone and my personal favorite, THE GREEN ZONE! This zone is all about happiness and it’s full of joy and excitement. Examples of ways you can stay in this zone is surrounding yourself with people who make you happy while doing something you enjoy! You can also distract yourself by playing a favorite sport or just hanging with friends. The effect of this is that you’re keeping yourself happy which is good for your taha hinengaro (mental health) and also your taha tinana (physical health)! Not only will you be keeping yourself happy, you’ll be keeping those around you entertained and the positive energy will creative good vibes.

CONCLUSION: I have now explained and shared with you the four different zones of regulation. I really hope this helped you with understand your feelings & emotions more now. Thank you for reading and good luck with maintaining your red & blue zone.

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Many thanks, kia pai to ra!

How To Be A Good Tamaki Student!

WAL how to write explanation writings.

It is the second week of term 4, 2017 and I'm already feeling proud of the writing samples I've created and completed! Here's one I completed on the second day back with Constance...

How To Be A Good Tamaki Student!

“A good student is one who will teach you something.” Quoted by. Irving Kaplansky. Here at Tamaki, there are 5 main keys that are needed to unlock the privilege of being a good Tamaki Student! Those 5 keys are Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Rangimarie, Tukumarie, & Ako. Keep reading and we’ll explain to you how these keys could be used!

Whanaungatanga is one of the 5 values shown here at TPS. The english definition is Building Relationships. As a Primary/Intermediate school it’s important to interact with the others because the younger ones always look up to us and follow in our steps! It’s important to be respectful when around other students & teachers because every judgement counts, ESPECIALLY if you’re in Form 1 & 2, as we’re the leaders of the school! If you disrespect others or bully another student, then teachers will look at you as a negative person. The effect of this is you won’t get treated the way you wanted to be treated and others will look at you differently!

Manaakitanga is very important here at Tamaki because we’re not only a joined school, we also share the same building as the Somerville students who sometimes need help getting around the school and learning. For example, if you’re walking in the corridors at lunchtime and you see one of our special students struggling to move or get around, help them get to where they need to be! If you do this then you may also be rewarded with tokens or certificates at the end of the week by those who have spotted you doing something generous!

The 3rd value that we’re about to get into is very important! Rangimarie means peace and this is always needed around our school as sometimes students may have their differences. If you ever find yourself in a hard situation the best thing to do is tell a teacher or walk away! The effect of this is that you’ll save yourself a lot of drama and also maybe even a friendship. Also, if you do this then the younger students will realise violence or conflict isn’t needed and they’ll soon follow in your steps and do the same.

TUKUMARIE! - Constance
The 4th value that we will be talking about is Tukumarie. Tukumarie means Tolerance. And what does Tolerance mean? From what we know, Tolerance means accepting someone for who they are and respecting their differences. An example of a way you could encourage your Tukumarie, is seeking your own personality and showing who you really are. If you do this then others will realise that you’re a great person and they’ll respect your differences and values, but in return you’d have to do the same!

AKO! -Frances
Last but not least, Ako! Ako is new to our value board and it means sharing and taking in knowledge and ideas from and with other students.  A good time where this value could be shown is during whole class discussions and group tasks! If you’re stuck on something, you could always ask another in your group or take notes so later on you’ll be able to re-read and you’ll be able to understand it in your own way. The effect of this is that you’re learning more and interacting with others mentally and academically.

Conclusion! - Constance

We have given the 5 main keys to be a good Tamaki student. We hope they were helpful, thank you and we’ll see you around school! Kia pai to ra.

If you're recommending enrolling into Tamaki, here are some good tips, or even if you're visiting!
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Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Hei Tama, Tu Tama - Indigenous Game.

Today, Miss Kyla taught our classroom a new, indigenous game called Hei Tama, Tu Tama.

In this game, no equipment is needed, you'll mainly only need your hands or feet. There are four mahi a ringa ( actions ) in this game and they are:
- Right hand up with clenching fist and left hand on hips.
- Left hand up with clenching first and right hand on hips.
- Both right & left hands on hips.
- Both hands in air with clenching fist.

The kupu (words) needed to be used during this game are: 
Hei tama, tu tama!
Tama ra!
(How many points you have) Hei tama, tu tama!

Step 1: The first player will say "Hei tama, tu tama" and along with that, choose one of the actions. After that, player two will do the same but with a different action.

 Step 2: After that has happened, the game has begun. This time, each player doesn't have to drag out the whole sentence, one person will say "hei tama" the other will say "tu tama" and they will choose their actions at the same time.

Step 3: If the first player catches player two doing the same action as them, they'll have to yell out "Tama ra" to receive the point, but if player two does then they get the point!

There can only be up to 2-3 players at once playing.

Something I really enjoy about this game is the vibes that you catch while playing. Also the excitement and sivers that I could feel travelling up my legs and spine. One thing I can work on next time is not getting tongue twisted and not rushing into it.

If you're going to play, my advice for you would be:
- Take it easy, get your kupu & pronunciation right.
- Challenge yourself but not too hard.
Don't take the loss too hard & don't play too rough.

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More facts about John Pule!

WALA John Pule.
As I said earlier, here are the extra facts about Pule.
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John Pule

WALA Polynesian Tapa Artist.

Today during our class discussion, we learnt a little on Polynesian Tapa and which artist uses it. My chosen artist was John Pule. I chose Pule because he's well known around New Zealand and I thought he'd be an interesting artist to do. One thing I enjoyed about this task was learning more about the significant artist and something I found a bit challenging was finding correct facts that would actually fit the DLO.
If this wasn't enough for you then don't worry, I'll be right back with more facts about Pule!

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Many thanks, Kia pai to ra!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Zones Of Regulation!

WALA the zone of regulation and how our emotions can be controlled.
Today our class was introduced to something called "The Zones Of Regulation". The topic is about our different emotions, how they're shown, how they may leave effect and how you can control these feelings. Something I found easy about this task is that I have really good connection with each zone so it was easy for me to give good examples and information. I didn't really find anything challenge, although maybe next time I can try and fit a few more ideas in because I had a lot that I could label down.
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Monday, 16 October 2017

Cure Kids Red Nose Day!

Today Room 10 participated in a Kelly Sports even to Support Cure Kids.

Cure kids is a foundation who help fundraise money for sick children all over New Zealand. They're also a sponsor that helps get donations to buy medicine for kids in need. That means that every year they go around to different schools and businesses who also help fundraise, collect the donated money and hand it to scientist who then buy all chemicals needed to buy the right medicine. An example of ways they support Children's health is when they get other companies like Kelly Sports to come into schools, such as us, Tamaki Primary, and they put together events that are fun enough to encourage student like us to help out with their fundraisers! The effect of their work/research is that those kids in need of help and medicine will finally be able to get the help they once needed and they'll finally recover!

Today I participated by joining in the games with the rest of my classmates and syndicate and as you may be able to notice in the photo above, I scored the try in the farer end! An example of a game we played was Noodle Hockey. In this game we had to stand on coloured dots and whatever coloured dot he called out would have to run around the cones, pick up a noodle stick and try and hit the ball into their goals! I was really fun! By Supporting Cure Kids, I hope the impact by us participating gets the word out to others so more and more people are helping to fundraise for those sick children.

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Kia pai to ahiahi 

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Welcome Back, Term 4!

Nau mai, hoki mai ki, taku rangitaki.
Ko tenei te wahanga tuawha o te tau! Kei te pehea koe to harerei?

One thing I am really looking forward to this term is all the trips & experiences that we are about to be given throughout the rest of my 8th year here at Tamaki Primary School. I'm gonna make the most out of my time that I have left here because once this year is up, I finally move onto college which is also a new beginning and the start of a new life. 

My personal goal for my last term of 2017 is to improve in all subjects, mainly Panui ( Reading ) and Tuhituhi ( Writing ). Reason for this is because I've been pretty slack on both subjects throughout the year and I'd love to get my standard back up to where it was. 

To fully enjoy these end of year opportunities, I will need to remember to come to school EVERY DAY with the correct school uniform on and along with that, I will also need to remember to bring my values along with me too. Reason for this is because as a Year 8 student here at TPS, I've mentally been given the role of an ambassador which means all the younger students look up to me in every single way. This means I'll need to be on my best behaviour and always have a positive attitude.

I'm looking forward to the rest of my last year here at TPS, I can't wait!

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Kia pai to ra.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

DARE Session 3.

WALA Drugs & how they can affect your life. 
This session was about  drugs and media. What the main message was today was don't trust everything you see online or on T.v because not everything is true. Some of the advertisements are half false or maybe even full false. Something I enjoyed about this session is that was that it helped me realise not everyone and everything is real so we have to keep our eye's open more.

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DARE Session 2

WALA Drugs & how they may affect our lives.

The other day, we had another DARE program and it was about the different sorts of drugs. We put them into groups of legal & illegal, restricted & not restricted. Something I learned from this session was that you should never take or think about doing illegal drugs cause it honestly ruins your life mentally, physically and also financially. I also enjoyed this session because I learned a lot of new things about drugs and also law.

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DARE Sessions - Part 4-5.

WALA Drugs & how to keep ourselves safe around them.
On Wednesday was our last DARE session for the year and we learnt about different criminals & homicides that have happened in the past. Something I enjoyed about the sessions were that I took in a lot about consequences, penalties and drugs. Something I can work on next time is expanding on ideas.

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🚫Beware of Drugs Poster! 🚫

WAL How to keep ourselves safe around drugs and what drugs can do to us. 
For the past two weeks, the Year 7&8 syndicate have been doing a programme called DARE. It's all about drugs and how they may affect your life & health. Here's just a poster of what may happen or how drugs may leave an affect on you and your life if you let drugs into your life and system. Something I enjoyed about the programme was that it helped me realise that I need to keep myself safe outside of the classroom. 

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T3W6, Careers - Qualities.

WALA Careers & Qualities.

Today in Careers we talked & learned about our Qualities. The two qualities I chose to describe myself with were Confident & Open-minded. Reason for that is because as a young person I've grown up around drama which helped me to be an open person. Something I enjoyed about this task is that it helped me realise the things I'm actually good at and what I may need to work on. Something I can do next time is add images that can relate to my qualities.

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Sunday, 27 August 2017

Whaktauki T3W6

WALT make personal connections with a given whakatauki.
Today's whakatauki is about chiefs and the knowledge shared from one to another.
Something I enjoy about this whakatauki is that the meaning behind it all is so deep and has a lot of meaning in it. Something I may need to work on net time is expanding on ideas. Bit for now please leave a comment on my blog,
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Sunday, 20 August 2017

DARE Session 1 Reflection.

WALT reflect on previous sessions.
Today we were introduced to a new programme called DARE. It's about drug abuse and how it can affect our health. Something I learned today was a list of different drugs used in NZ and also how the different drugs can affect you physically & mentally. Next time I'd love to learn more deeper into the abuse of drugs.

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Whakatauki o te wiki - T3W5

WALT make personal connections to a given whakatauki.
This weeks whakatauki was based on a "grub & a tree". In the metaphor, the grub was us and the tree was life. The deeper meaning between the lines was getting through rough obstacles and achieving new things throughout life. Something I enjoyed about this whakatauki was that the meaning behind it was very powerful and had a lot of context. Something I may need to work on next time is expanding on different ideas for each slide.

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Tuesday, 15 August 2017

QuickQure Runout!

IALT: use graphs to describe the relationship and devise and use problem solving strategies.

Today in our whole class maths session the word problem was about a father & a daughter who both went to the Pharmacy and bought themselves different bottles of Cough Medicine. The father's bottle had 300ml and the daughter's had 90ml. What we had to try and find out was who would run out first. At the end we realised they both finish the medicine on the same day. Something I enjoyed about this task was that I was able to solve & answer the problem within a suitable time and I also accomplished a personal goal of mine which was being able to solve a algebra problems without using tables. Something I found a bit difficult AT FIRST was being able to explain my answers to my peers but after I kept repeating myself it became easier for me to stand up and share my thinking with the class.

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Monday, 14 August 2017

Whakatauki o te wiki - T3W4

WALLT make personal connections to a given whakatauki.
This weeks whakatauki was related to your physical andmental mindset.
I enjoyed this whakatauki because I knew how t relate and complete the tasks easily as it was actually a school whakatauki.
Something I can do next time is extend the amount my paragraphs on each slide.

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Monday, 7 August 2017

Tia & Tom Topsy Turvy Money!

WAL: How To Put Level 4 Algebra Information Into A LINE Graph.

Today we solved an algebra problem to calculate how much money would be spent and earned by 2 twins. Tom started with $20 and spent $2 per day. Tia started with $0 and earner $2.50 per day. I used multiplication & subtraction to help me calculate the day Tia would overlap Tom with Money. I made links with statistic and chose a line graph to show our thinking. You can see clearly, that by Friday, Tia had more money than Tom. For me, this task was easy to complete because I had several strategies to use. Something I found hard was sharing & explaining my answers to other peers around me.

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Thursday, 3 August 2017

Heart Foundation Reflection

WALT: reflect on previous sessions.

Today, a nutritionist from The Heart Foundation came in to teach us and inform us on the four different food groups. Something I enjoyed about this session was that it gave us a lot of information and we unlocked much new and interesting knowledge about food and our immune systems. Something I found a bit hard was putting all the bottles into the correct order when we were given a task.

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Sunday, 30 July 2017

Cook Island Language Week!

IALA: the Cook Island Culture and the similarities between my culture and the Cook Island culture.

As you may or may not know, this week is the Cook Island language week so Miss Kyla decided to give us a task related to the culture. Something I enjoyed about this task is that I learnt, not only a lot about the Cook Island culture but also my own as their is a lot of similarities between both cultures. There wasn't anything I didn't enjoy about this task but maybe next time I can try extend my sentences and paragraphs.

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Thursday, 27 July 2017

Word Story - Calloused.

WALT: try new tasks and new things.

Today for reading Miss Kyla set us to try one of our new tasks which is called Word Story.
For word story, you choose a word you've heard throughout the week that you may not have been familiar with and you research different things about the word such as the definition, words that mean the same etc. 
One thing I enjoy about this task is that you can find out many different things just by focusing on one word. Something I didn't really enjoy was the screencastify past because it wasn't working and it was difficult to film so I left it out.

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Sunday, 23 July 2017

XtraMath T1W1, Monday.

WALT: Reflect on previous learning sessions.

This term for maths our teacher, Miss Kyla decided to bring back a learning game called "Xtramath" due to the lack in our maths. I feel really proud of myself because I clocked nearly 2 WHOLE levels in just 2 minutes which is really a BIG BIG step if you were to play/learn off Xtramath. I clocked 100% of addition and 91% subtraction which 2 years ago when I was year 6, took me nearly two whole terms where today it only took me a rough 4-6 minutes. Maybe next time I could stay a little focused when doing my subtraction stages because as I was getting tested I started getting a little distracted by my friends but I'm real proud & happy with the score I received today. 

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Sunday, 9 July 2017

The Lions Vs All Blacks Final Results !

IALT Research and develop new information about world events.

The final game of the All Blacks vs Lions was a joke ( this is from my opinion ). 

From my opinion the final test wasn't fair and the referee wasn't making fair decisions when it came to both teams penalties, knock ons etc. If the game had been more fair, the All Blacks would've had a much more outstanding final score and outcome. But I guess it is what it is, I'm proud of our boys for the work they done on the field last night and I hope that they got good rest. Maybe for next time, the ref should remember whose home field they're playing on and how the rules go, but other than that it was an interesting game to watch.

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Friday, 7 July 2017

The Importance of Taha Hinengaro!

IALA: the different health groups of our body.
Have you ever wondered what your kids are talking about when they mention to you something about a 'Te Whare Tapa Wha'? Well here's what it is. Te Whare Tapa Wha is the maori saying for 'The Four Walls Of A House' and the hidden reason and meaning for this is basically the four different health groups in your immune system. The four groups are Taha Tinana (physical health) , Taha Whanau (Relationships), Taha Wairua (spiritual health) and your Taha Hinengaro (mental health). The group I'm going to be telling you about is Taha Hinengaro and the importance of it. The important part about your taha hinengaro is that you have to be aware of all the symptoms and emotions that are about to be thrown at you. There'll be many moments in your life where you may feel like your emotions are being twisted by some evil emotions eater but truth be told it's just how life works and the outrageous thing is, you never stop feeling things. If you're ever going through depression there's many sites you can visit to help get you through your situation. For example:

And more.....

We need to start thinking more about what may happen if our emotions and feelings aren't controlled right, it may lead to serious situations or major injuries.

I hope the information I've given you has helped put thoughts in your mind. Please leave a comment on my blog,
Many thanks!

End of term reflection!

IALT independently reflect on previous moments & times.
As yous may or may not know, today was the last day of term 2 and our holidays have finally started. I'm looking forward to creating more memories with my loved ones and those around me. I wish you all a happy holiday and I'll see everyone on the 24th of July.

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Kia pai to po whanau xx

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Whakatauki o te wiki - T2W10

WALT make personal connections to a given whakatauki.

This week the whakatauki we were given was ' Kia here au ki te rangi tuhaha kia tau ate au ki taku taumata' which in english means ' Let me soar to the heavens so that I may reach my potential'.
Something I enjoyed about this Whakatauki was it gave me thoughts about the decisions and goals I may need to start making and setting myself for the future so I'm all set for the harder things about to get thrown at me as I grow.

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Sunday, 18 June 2017

Whakatauki o te wiki - Matariki

WALT make personal connections to a given whakatauki.

This weeks whakatauki was based on Matariki since it's coming up in a few weeks.
The thing I love about this task is that we always get to find out the more depth things about our culture but something I think I need to work on was making it more critical and more depth.

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Thursday, 15 June 2017

Te Reo Maori - T2W7

WAL Maori words for different kai!
This week for Te Reo Maori we were learning and researching about the different type of Kai in te reo!
My favorite part about this task was finding the different names and meanings for each Kai. Something I didn't enjoy much was that I got confused a little on 'Retehi' but after I had actually watched the video did more depth researching I had lifted myself back on track and finished.

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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Tukumarie - Our Poem!

WALA: The value Tukumarie and how to make wise choices.

Today both Room 9 & 10 learnt more deeper into the meaning of one of our values "Tukumarie"(Tolerance). The definition of Tolerance in my mind is to respect other people's differences and beliefs, and accepting your different peers for where them and their family/ancestors originate from. Something I enjoyed about the task and discussions we had today was that it kind of brang both classes closer as peers and also this has helped me think deeper and harder about the decisions and choices I've been making lately and I'm starting to rethink the goals I've set myself. Something I didn't really enjoy was the parts where our teachers had shared with us that peers from my classroom were being bullied and picked on because of their ethnicity. I enjoyed today's session and hopefully we could come back on it and recap on everything we've learnt and discovered.

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Thursday, 8 June 2017

The Bone Tiki - Multistructural, Week 6.

WALT: think and reflect on some things that the main character in this text we're reading has done.

1.  Write about a choice the main character had to make this week. A choice that the main character, Matt, has had to make this week is whether or not he was going to follow the steps of some random girl that practically saved him from seeing heaven. I think he made the right choice as she's the first person throughout the whole story who has frightened Puarata and I'm thinking she knows what she's doing and maybe, just maybe she knows where she's going and what she's doing. It sounds that this random girl is pretty, and has a great bubbly, caring personality inside of her.

Hopefully Matt has made the right decision of following the strange girl.

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The Bone Tiki, Unistructural, Week 6.

WALT: write a plot summary about the parts of our text we've read so far.

It's now Week 6 and I'm up to Chapter 5. As I keep reading and reading the story is getting better and better. What I've discovered so far is......

Matt returns to his home and Puarata is waiting for him and Matt had been napped. Puarata viciously strangled Matt then out of nowhere some mysterious girl comes out on to the street and suddenly frightens Puarata, in fact she frightens him so much he runs. She tend to help Matt and he follows her to some out of it place that I haven't read up to yet. On their journey to their final destination, Matt starts seeing random things and he doesn't recognise anywhere they're going or where they are, and yet it's his hometown. He starts feeling strange things and starts worrying more about what's going to happen to Rikki when he arrives back at his whare or back at the Marae where both their raging fathers are.

That's all I've read for this week but I'm sure to tell you that it's getting more interesting.

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Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Reflect on Tech!


WALT reflect on previous sessions.
Today in technology, we started drawing and planning on our clock designs.  My favorite part about today's session was being able to research and choose different images and designs that we could use to help us create our projects. At the beginning I started off with 6 different designs and 6 different clocks and when I had completed the draft copy I finally selected my final design. My final design I've chosen to create this term in Graphics, Technology is a 'Analog 'Chanel' clock'. Something I struggles with today was fitting the designs I had chosen into the selected clocks but as I got used to it I started finding it easier and easier after every design. Next time I can improve on planning quicker and maybe finding and researching different designs.
I'm proud of the work I've completed today, Next time I hope to finish drawing and colouring my hard copy.
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Tuesday, 6 June 2017

The Bone Tiki - Prestructural, Week 6.

WALT:write and explain our predictions about the novel we're studying.

I haven't had much time to catch up on my studies but I've finally completed my predictions for this week....

This week, my predictions are short & simple. I’m predicting that Rikki gets caught and that he snitches on Matt which will lead him into a big pit of danger. I’m also predicting that when Matt gets to Taupo puarata and his guards will be on a search for him and the pounamu. I hope that Matt gets to Taupo quickly and that he and the bone tiki are all safe and I’m also hoping that they have enough time to plan their net destination so they know where they’re going to next. My personal reading goal for this week is to FINISH 3 CHAPTERS!! I haven’t had much time on my novel studies this term and I’m hoping I can get more reading done!! I’m also hoping to achieve the goal I set myself last time because as I said I didn’t have enough time to achieve it last time.

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Thursday, 1 June 2017

Reflect on Tech!

WALT reflect on previous sessions.
Today was my first day back at tech for a while and I've finally been moved to a new class. 
I enjoy my new class, I enjoy the environment, my new teacher and also the new projects I've been set.
This term we're making clocks and I'm interested to see what happens throughout my journey!
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Client Likes - Technology Clock Project!

WALT reflect on previous sessions.
I have just completed the third part of creating my clock for graphics this term.
I have created a DLO of things my sister, Courtney enjoys doing by using images that represent those things. She enjoys going out, sports, active things, designer brands, family occasions and netball. I enjoyed this task because not only did I get to know my sister more but I guess I kind of made a DLO that represented both of us, since we love doing the same things but I found it a bit hard to fit everything in, so when I realized it wouldn't work I cut some images out and my final out comet is above!
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    My Design Brief - Technology Clock Project!

    WALT reflect on previous sessions.
    As you may know, this term for technology we're creating clocks for a person in our lives and this is the design brief I've used/created to help me choose the person I'm going to be creating my clock for. I'm going to be creating a clock for my 21 year-old sister. Reasons for this is because it'll help her wake up on time for work every morning so she isn't late and isn't in a grump. Something I enjoyed about this was listing things my sister liked, she's a really active and out-going person and I love explaining that. But I got really confused on who to choose, but I thought about it and realized I know Courtney more so I decided to do her since it'll make it easier. 
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    Technology Clock Project!

    WALT reflect on previous sessions.
    Today in technology, I was finally moved into a different group/subject. I will now be in Graphics for the next 12-13 weeks. For this term, we're learning and creating clocks for a person in our lives and the first task I was set to was creating a DLO of the different types of clocks all around the world from different times. Something I enjoyed about doing and completing this task was I found out new things about clocks I didn't know to exist but something I struggles with was fitting everything in. 
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    Tuesday, 30 May 2017

    Sushi & Rolls

    WALT reflect on previous sessions.
    Today our class was split into different classes because our teacher was absent, and lucky for me, I was put into a class who was making sushi. I learnt how to set, roll and prepare sushi. My favorite part of my experience was when we were rolling the sushi because I loved squeezing it together but something I didn't really enjoy was when we were spreading the rice out on the seaweed because the rice was getting sticky and was sticking to my fingers and it felt real yuck. 
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    The Bone Tiki - Prestructural, Week 4.

    WALT: write and explain predictions we have about the novel we're studying.

    I've completed the Prestructural part for week 4. This part's about the time I've been given and what I want to read as I go on....

    TUESDAY 30TH MAY, 2017.

    It’s been nearly 4 weeks now and I haven’t really had time to read and get into my book. But, my predictions for this week are the same as last time. I hope that the story gets more interesting and that more drama starts coming in as I get deeper into the storyline. I’m actually still a bit confused about why this pounamu is so  important and precious to many people other than Nanny wai and Aunty Rangi. My goal for this week is to finish the book and get to the bottom of the storyline. But if I’m not able to finish it because of the time I’m given, my goal is to read 20 - 29 pages.

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    Monday, 29 May 2017

    My Fale T2W5

    WALA the beauty of the samoan culture.
    As yous may or may not know, this week is 'Samoan Language Week' and every year for this special week each class has to present something so we've decided to learn more about the spiritual side of Samoa. Here in New Zealand, each tribe or place has their own marae, but in samoa, each village or place has their own 'Fale'. Something I enjoyed about this task was it helped me realise some important values in my life that I need to start cherishing more of those beliefs and that being tolerant towards my culture, ancestors and tangata whenua.
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    Sunday, 28 May 2017

    Whakatauki o te wiki

    WALT make personal connections to a given whakataukī.
    As you may or may not know, this week is Samoan Language Week.
    And as we're a bilingual class, we chose to talk about a whakataukī o Samoa. 
    The whakataukī was 'Ma'au i lou ofaga maua'a lou fa'asinomaga'. Which means 'Keep your identity alive to thrive.
    Keep reading to find out more.
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    Wednesday, 24 May 2017

    The Bone Tiki - Prestructural, Week 3.

    WALT: write and explain our predictions about the novel we're studying.

    Here is the completed part of the Prestructural part of my novel study....

    WEDNESDAY 24TH MAY, 2017.
    This week, I’m predicting that now that I’m getting more closer to the end and deeper into the storyline that there’s going to be something big, juicy but really unsafe about to happen and it’s going to be something unexpected. My predictions my two weeks ago have changed so much, there’s nothing to do with a bush so far and they’re not true, country maori people, well this is another prediction of mine because instead of using the word piupiu, they said ‘grass skirt’. What’s kind of confusing me at the moment is that everytime I start a new chapter they’re doing something different and sometimes in a whole new different place. My personal goal for this week is to finish the book and to be able to explain and have proof that I have completed the story and I know what ‘The Bone Tiki’ is all about.

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    Friday, 19 May 2017

    The Bone Tiki - Prestructural, Week 2.

    WALT: write a plot summary on what we've read or predicted so far.
    It is now week 2 and I've completed the first part of my Prestructural for this week.
    FRIDAY 19TH MAY, 2017.
    I’m up to chapter 3. I’m predicting that Mat & Rikki ‘borrow’ Rikki’s father’s car, travel to Napier and Mat runs off to Taupo so he and the bone tiki can be hidden and safe. I’m also predicting that they get chased by Puarata and his team. I’m hoping that the novel gets more interesting and makes my blood boil. What’s confusing me at the moment is I don’t understand why the bone tiki is so important yet so all I have to do is keep reading. My personal goal for this week is to find out why the tiki is so important to everyone in the valley.
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    Thursday, 11 May 2017

    My Mother's Day Card!

    WALT Create & Reflect.

    As you all know, this week sunday is Mother's Day. We were given a task to create something simple but creative and above is my final outcome. 
    I hope my ma enjoys it .
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    The Tech Challenge Explanation Drawing!

    WALT Explain and give examples for our pieces of information.
    As you can see below 👇🏼 we were given a challenge and here is my written explanation of our final result from our challenge!
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    The Tech Challenge!

    WALT reflect on previous sessions.
    Yesterday, the Kia Manawanui syndicate were given a challenge to make our own Te Whare Tapa Wha using vegetables. I really enjoyed creating bonds and also our Whare. But what I didn't enjoy much was the outcome of our design. It wasn't up to a year 7&8 standard and I was kind of disappointed. 
    Maybe next time we can start focusing on our task rather than other things.
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    Tuesday, 9 May 2017

    The Bone Tiki - Unistructural, Week 1.

    WALT: write a plot summary based on the story we're currently reading and researching.

    As you may or may not know, this term my reading group has been studying a book by David Hair, The Bone Tiki and I've completed the second task of the week. Here is the Unistructural part I've completed....

    So far, I’m up to chapter 3. The story is about a young boy, Matiu Douglas, who lives with his single father, Tama Douglas. He’s 15 and goes to Napier Boys High School. His mother lives in taupo and his best friend is a boy named, Rikki. It all starts when his Nanny Wai-Aroha passes away and they have to pay their respects at her tangi but an unwelcome guest arrives and as Tama Douglas is a lawyer, he defend and welcomes Puarata, the unwelcome guest onto their land and marae. He tries to steal a carved, green tiki that belonged to Nanny Wai but it was gratefully passed on to Mat but nobody knows where or who has it. Mat tries to escape and make his way back to Taupo where his mother is, so nobody knows where he or the tiki can be found. He’s only hiding the tiki because he knows that Puarata was not welcomed and it did not belong to him and leaving was the right thing to do in his mind. Others saw it as stealing, but Mat, old Ranginui his Aunty Hine thought otherwise… ( That’s all I’m up to you at the moment.)

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    Monday, 8 May 2017

    Honey Tasting!

    WALA the different types of bees and honey.
    This term we're learning about the different types of food groups and one of our main focuses are bees & honey. Here are the four different honey's we tried and tested today.

    My favorite was number 1, the mix honey. The mix honey had number 2,3 and 4 inside of it so really they're all my favorite. One thing I enjoyed about this experience today was trying new food and my funny facials but something I struggles with was guessing which was which. 
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    The Bone Tiki - Prestructural, Week 1

    WALT: write a plot summary on what we've read or predicted so far.

    This term my reading group has been learning/researching about a book of David Hairs, and the title of this book is "The Bone Tiki". As we were set to do a function of tasks here is the first one I've completed. Here is my first prediction that I made before I started reading the story....

    MONDAY 8TH MAY, 2017.

    What I hope happens in this novel is that it is adventurous and exciting to read. I want there to be something able to make me jump and get butterflies while hooking me into the story without noticing or knowing. I want to be able to picture the story in my mind. I want to be able to get hooked and make it to the end without anything ruining the vibe I’m riding while on this journey with the characters. This story seems really interesting and it’s gonna be more wild for me to read because it is set and based in my country, Aotearoa. What’s confusing me a little is all the myths and legends that are being brought together and put into one but I know forsure that it’s going to be an exciting journey for me to tag along in. My personal reading goal for this week is to get at least 3-4  chapters done or hopefully even more because the quicker the reading the faster the journey. And I hope that I finish at least pre-structural and unistructural and as again maybe even more. 
    If you have any feedback or feedforward please make sure to leave opinions in comments,
    Many thanks!

    Monday, 1 May 2017

    Anzac Poppies

    WALA the history of poppies and how to make a circle by using a compass.
    As you may all know last week was Anzac day and on thursday we're having an annual school Anzac parade. We had to learn a little about poppies to be able to create our presentation. We decided to create poppies using Cardboard and above was my final outcome. We used a compass to complete our circles. A compass is an object that helps you create perfect circles. There's a whole where you can put your pencil in and you measure centimetres between the distance of the sharp ending point of the compass and your pencil to help decide how big or small your circle is going to be. I think this was a really fun activity because it's an easy yet creative idea for a presentation but something I found difficult was using the compass and not going crooked while using it.
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    Sunday, 30 April 2017

    Nau mai ki te wahanga tuarua o te tau!

    Kia ora!  Nau mai, hoki mai ki tāku rangitaki (blog)!

    Ko Frances-Katereina ahau.  He uri ahau nō Ngāpuhi me Te Whakatohea.  He kotiro pukumahi ahau.  He kotiro menemene ahau.  He kotiro ataahua ahau.  Ko Ruma Tekau tōku akomanga.  He tauira o te tau waru ahau.  

    My interests are sports as in Netball & Rugby. I also enjoy hanging with my friends or as I say ‘Second Family’, I love creating memories and trying new things.

    Please leave me comments about my learning and thank you for visiting and kia pai to ra!
