
Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Hei Tama, Tu Tama - Indigenous Game.

Today, Miss Kyla taught our classroom a new, indigenous game called Hei Tama, Tu Tama.

In this game, no equipment is needed, you'll mainly only need your hands or feet. There are four mahi a ringa ( actions ) in this game and they are:
- Right hand up with clenching fist and left hand on hips.
- Left hand up with clenching first and right hand on hips.
- Both right & left hands on hips.
- Both hands in air with clenching fist.

The kupu (words) needed to be used during this game are: 
Hei tama, tu tama!
Tama ra!
(How many points you have) Hei tama, tu tama!

Step 1: The first player will say "Hei tama, tu tama" and along with that, choose one of the actions. After that, player two will do the same but with a different action.

 Step 2: After that has happened, the game has begun. This time, each player doesn't have to drag out the whole sentence, one person will say "hei tama" the other will say "tu tama" and they will choose their actions at the same time.

Step 3: If the first player catches player two doing the same action as them, they'll have to yell out "Tama ra" to receive the point, but if player two does then they get the point!

There can only be up to 2-3 players at once playing.

Something I really enjoy about this game is the vibes that you catch while playing. Also the excitement and sivers that I could feel travelling up my legs and spine. One thing I can work on next time is not getting tongue twisted and not rushing into it.

If you're going to play, my advice for you would be:
- Take it easy, get your kupu & pronunciation right.
- Challenge yourself but not too hard.
Don't take the loss too hard & don't play too rough.

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment,
Many thanks!

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