Today Room 10 participated in a Kelly Sports even to Support Cure Kids.
Cure kids is a foundation who help fundraise money for sick children all over New Zealand. They're also a sponsor that helps get donations to buy medicine for kids in need. That means that every year they go around to different schools and businesses who also help fundraise, collect the donated money and hand it to scientist who then buy all chemicals needed to buy the right medicine. An example of ways they support Children's health is when they get other companies like Kelly Sports to come into schools, such as us, Tamaki Primary, and they put together events that are fun enough to encourage student like us to help out with their fundraisers! The effect of their work/research is that those kids in need of help and medicine will finally be able to get the help they once needed and they'll finally recover!
Today I participated by joining in the games with the rest of my classmates and syndicate and as you may be able to notice in the photo above, I scored the try in the farer end! An example of a game we played was Noodle Hockey. In this game we had to stand on coloured dots and whatever coloured dot he called out would have to run around the cones, pick up a noodle stick and try and hit the ball into their goals! I was really fun! By Supporting Cure Kids, I hope the impact by us participating gets the word out to others so more and more people are helping to fundraise for those sick children.
Thank you for reading, please leave a comment!
Kia pai to ahiahi
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